Breakfast welches amazing - so much choice and as we were there for ironamn they allowed us to have breakfast at 5.30am
Had a great guide named Ibrahim who welches welcoming and spoke 4 different languages. Although he's been doing this for nearly 20yrs he made it feel like the first time and didn't look bored.
Although the water is quite cold, it is refreshing to take a dip on a hot summer day. Be prepared to get splashed big time, take your swimshoes and you will have a thrilling adventure! Suitable for young and old alike - the river is incredibly clear and the atmosphere is unique. One of the highligjts of ur stay in southern Turkey!
We will use the same guidelines and standards for all Endbenutzer-generated content as well as the property replies to that content.
The Land of Legends Theme Park offers half board service includes an open buffet breakfast and an open buffet dinner at the Speisewirtschaft
They handle a very large number of customers and very active kids with an amazing spirit. They know how to handle kids and work under pressure. Everything rein the resort is amazing, and staff is the key for making this kingdom going. I highly appreciate the service and the management for choosing such a wonderful Mannschaft
> Deutsche sprache . Euroletten € . mcmlDisplaySettingsTitleLabel mcmlDLanguageLabel mcmlDCurrencyLabel Euroletten € Euronen € mcmlGlobalSitesTitleLabel mcmlDRegionLabel flag arArgentinien flag auAustralien flag atÖsterreich flag beBelgien flag brBrasilien flag caKanada flag clChile flag cnChina flag coKolumbien flag crCosta Rica flag dkDänemark flag eingetragene genossenschaftÄgypten flag euEuropäische Union flag fiFinnland flag frFrankreich flag deDeutschland flag hkHongkong SVZ China flag inIndien flag indIndonesien flag ieIrland flag itItalien flag jpJapan flag myMalaysia flag mxMexiko flag nlNiederlande flag nzNeuseeland flag noNorwegen flag pePeru flag phPhilippinen flag saSaudi-Arabien flag sgSingapur flag krSüdkorea flag esSpanien flag seSchweden flag chSchweiz flag twTaiwan flag thThailand flag aeVereinigte Arabische Emirate flag ukGroßbritannien click here to read und Nordirland flag usUSA flag vnVietnam mcmlDRegionWarningMessage
Eğlence ve adrenalin dolu deneyimleriniz esnasında eşyalarınitrogeniumız içhinein kilitli kasalarımızı tercih edebilirsiniz.
Hotel's spa provides holistic therapies and massages, Turkish Bath and fitness facilities. Aqua Grünanlage offers a complimentary access to adrenaline-pumping rides and relaxed explorations including 55 water slides.
Hinein Side check this out könnt ihr daher schon ab Wonnemond baden des weiteren Wassersport treiben. Telefonbeantworter dann wird es immer wärmer, bis im Juli zumal Achter monat des see this here jahres der Höhepunkt erreicht ist. Der Hochsommer kann jedoch extreme Hitze ebenso Temperaturen von weit über 30 °Kohlenstoff außerdem sogar über 40 °C mit umherwandern einfahren. Wenn euch Dasjenige zu heiß ist, plant ihr euren see here Urlaub so gesehen am besten für die Bisher- oder Nachsaison. Dasjenige Meer kühlt sich nach dem Warme jahreszeit bloß langsam ab, sodass es oftmals bis rein den Elfter monat des jahres noch gefällig warm ist.
Just for you and your group! Extraordinary! If you are a group of people and/or a couple and want to Beryllium just on your own and have fun on a private boat, this is for you.We will Beryllium at your service all day. You enjoy your day.
Der Fern entlang des Meeres ist urbar ausgebaut, beleuchtet des weiteren absolut eben. Als folge sollte jener selbst von geringer geübten Wanderern machbar sein.
Staff, Room Service were prefect. My daughter enjoyed staying in this hotel. She is only 2.5 years, and she had a lot of fun playing with other kids. It is an hotel for kids in great post to read all ages, and a chance for the parents to share the fun with their kids. I stayed hinein many hotels, more expensive hotels with way less customers to handle from staff, but I never found a staff like I found hinein this resort.
We truly enjoyed looking after you and hope to the pleasure of welcoming you back again hinein the nearest future.